
Careys Page!!! | Sum of my fave song's lyrics | Ashley's Page | A Kool Story | sum IMs from people | Some fucking shout outs.... | My Poems....No One Elses!!! | It's All About Green Day!! | Marilyn Manson and the band Rumours | Friends | Pic's of some bands i like | It's all about Kurt!! | About Me | Quotes From Friends! | Pic's | Pic's of cool stuff | Look at the blue tarp | MANSON PIC'S | Fave Links | Sick And Twisted | ABANDONED POOLS!!!! | Email

Welcome 2 my stupid web page hope u have no fun lol!!!

what has happened is unbelievable.. i wish i could take back time.. no one deserves this hell.

i love the pain it shows me i am alive!

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide


Why does everyone juge me by the way i look and the way i act?
I know im different but i don't need to be juged!!!!!
i wish that everyone would just stop making fun of the way i am.

I hate being treated like im nothing.
I hate when guys say stuff that isn't true.
I hate it when ur best friend takes ur boyfriend or ur friends from u.
I hate this world.

